Is it me or did November go by so much faster than it normally does? I feel like November just started, yet it's actually over already. Time is moving too fast for me. I have too much coming up in life that is going to cost money (i.e. Xmas, Jeni's wedding) and I have no money and no prospect of having much money for any of these events. Ah well... no need to stress about the inevitable, eh?
Here are some things that made November (short as it was) a pretty great month:
- As you know I started off the month finishing my very first vacation at Disney... so that was pretty wonderful.
- I substituted a lot... which isn't exactly thrilling, but it did mean $$ which is a positive in my current unemployed state.
- A had a few pretty decent waitressing shifts as well (and quite a few shitty ones - but let's stay focused on the positives)
- I got to hang out with Ashley and Rachel more than I had been recently - which was nice. I have missed them. I have also learned that even though friendships fade and flicker sometimes - if the friendship is true you should be able to find your way back into the light of it.
- I also had a few lunch/dinner dates with new and old friends.
- Dinner and wine nights with my cousin - have remained wonderful. Even though we missed last week!
- Things with Jonathan have been generally great - with the exception of me REALLY starting to hate WOW and getting sick of the constant computer addiction he seems to possess when it comes to that game. Sometimes I think we don't spend enough time together.....
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1 came out. It was amazing and watching it made me commit to re-reading the book. Which I finished in about 2 days. haha.
- Thanksgiving was relaxing- even though I'm disappointed that we didn't have any leftovers since we had dinner at the Woodstock Station.... but it is very nice to feel part of Jonathan's family
- The Pub Crawl was epic as always.
- And I had two interviews for a long term position that I'm hoping to get (I should know by the end of this week).
With November being wonderful there are somethings that lurked in the background to make it... well not so wonderful. Somethings I consider unmentionable in my blog.... but I will enlighten you on 3 of the months downfalls...
- As frustrating as things have been with my mother... it's
a littlevery disappointing that her only attempt to work things out and get a hold of me was on my birthday (which has now been over a month ago). Granted... I didn't make an effort to call after-wards and I did say to her that I would get in touch when I got home from Florida and I didn't... but I don't think that excuses her. Parents - you call your kids on holidays! It's your job as the parent, to act like one. I think she might be being stubborn because I haven't made an effort with her. BUT I find it VERY frustrating... because when you are a person who messes up and disappointments the people you supposedly love - then YOU are the person who should put in that extra effort. As I will continue to think (until my anger has completely subsided and I can't guarantee when that will be) it is her responsibility to reach out.. since she is the one who royally fucked up. Am I wrong? - I completely and totally slacked off when it came to working out this month - well at least these last two weeks. I need to get my ass back on track with that.
- As much as I enjoyed Thanksgiving with Jonathan's family - it kind of bums me out that I didn't see my family at all that day. I should have at least seen my brothers. Come to think of it - I don't think I saw them the entire month :(
With December coming in full force tomorrow I have three goals for myself:
- Blog more! I'm not going to give myself a #. I'm not going to say I will blog everyday or anything crazy like that... But more. November was weak on the blogging. October was weak too...
- Exercise at least 4 times a week! (With the exception of Christmas week - cause it might be hectic)
- Try my damnedest to embrace the holiday season. Since I have been with Jonathan I have tried each year to love Christmas as much as he does. Now - I personally don't believe "it's the most wonderful time of the year". But for him (and for my own sanity) I will again try to love it. Maybe one of these years it might actually work and I will turn into a fanatic Christmas lover.
- As an extension to goal #3 - I plan to be super jolly and create small Christmas gifts for people. The reason is two-fold. One - I feel like being crafty and making fudge/candy type treats and Two - I'm broke. And I've heard that it's the thought that counts :)
Farewell November, Hello December.